Why study Mandarin Chinese in India in 2019?
Reasons to start learning Mandarin Chinese now !!
Most spoken language in the world.

Despite the popular belief among Indians that English and Spanish are the most spoken languages in the world on the contrary it is actually Mandarin Chinese. One-quarter of the world population speaks Mandarin Chinese. Most Indians speak Hindi and English, if one learns Mandarin then will be able to communicate with 70% of the world population!
Global economic powerhouse

China is the second largest economy in the world.
The main driver of the language’s attractiveness is China’s booming economy and its status as a rising global superpower. As a nation, China has grown industrially exponentially in the last 50 years. Now one of the world’s economic powerhouses and a centre for business around the world, learn Chinese for business and open you up professionally to a global community of business leaders.
China is India’s largest Trade Partner

From being a small trading partner of India in 2001, within a span of 15 years, China has rapidly become India’s biggest trading partner.
The commerce minister stated that India’s trade relationship with China is unique and no other bilateral trading relationship evokes as much interest in India as the India-China trade relationship.
China related Jobs in India on the rise

As bilateral trade between India and China balloons, the need for Indians who speak and are familiar with Mandarin will only increase. Of course, to be this sort of bridge, there is one skill you must have: fluent Mandarin Chinese. Due to the lack of people in the Indian business world who can speak both Chinese, Hindi, English, there is a huge demand for these skills, and this can of course mean very lucrative wages.
Through learning Mandarin Chinese, you can transform yourself from a low-value employee into somebody who is critical to the success of a project in China, thereby making yourself a very attractive hire.
So start learning Mandarin Chinese now with Meiyu Chinese !!