Can I learn Chinese in 3 months ?
Can I learn Chinese in 3 months ?
Yes you can ! No you can’t !

Can I learn Chinese in 3 months?
-Yes you can
-No you can’t
The answer to this question purely depends on what Level you want to achieve—is it learning for fun, to be able to impress your Chinese friends with a few phrases, or do you want to be able to read a contract paper?
Because the latter will require much more learning time!
When we ask this question to students coming to us for counselling the reply tends to be –
Nothing much just simple ‘I want to be able to understand what Chinese people are speaking when we have a meeting.’
Now, this is anything but simple, people hire experienced interpreters for this work who have studied the language for a good one year and have months if not years of experience interpreting. To be able to do this in 3 months is nearly impossible. In a meeting people use technical words related to the products and finances, no one pauses to repeat the sentence incase you didn’t catch it in one go.
Imagine making a Middle school student who studies at an English medium school to sit in an office meeting, will he be able to follow – probably not, but does that mean he is bad in English or cannot speak in English – NO!
Incase you are planning to learn Chinese language or have already started learning Chinese you probably already know one thing i.e – Chinese is a difficult language.
It is not impossible but it is hard!
Your learning attitude (“I can definitely do this!” versus “This is too hard“) plays a big part in how easily you learn Chinese
However, proper expectations plays an equally important role.
If you don’t set specific goals and you don’t define “fluent” when you get excited by someone telling you it’s possible to learn Chinese language in 3 months, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Then what can I learn in 3 months?
With the right teacher and attitude, you can make impressive progress in your Chinese learning within three months. And if having a basic conversational level Mandarin is your primary goal, it can be achieved with just three months of study, even if you’re starting from zero.
So this new year set up realistic expectations out of your Chinese language learning goals and slowly but steadily you will see the progress!
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